Last night i watched a movie my brother suggested, Vexille. It’s a japanese cg movie with great graphics, nice storyline and about two hours of entertainment. It takes place in 2077, ten years after Japan has left the UN and isolated itself with an electromagnetic disruption net that prevents even satellite exploration, but limited trade was still going on. The reason for all this is that the UN banned the production of androids and too advanced robotechnology, of which Japan’s megacorporation Daiwa was a main manufacturer. But “now” in 2077 they want to open even broader trade connections with the US, and the story begins with a meeting of (possibly) head politicians discussing the japanese offers. And as usual from such movies, this meeting ends up a bit different from expected, due to the US’ special force SWORD showing up. They figure out that probably japan has developed very high level androids that could be mistaken for a living human, with even the bio-signature imprinted. They start investigating, and a troop goes to Japan–and that’s not simple with a securely isolated island. But what they find is not exactly what they expected. (Spoilers and personal opinion in the following.)
Japan is no more than a wasteland, without mountains or cities, with only a shanty town protected by huge ceramic walls in the place of Tokyo remaining. That all because Daiwa “experimented”. Referring to some unknown disease they in fact infected the whole japanese population with their experimentary nano-virus that turns all cells in a human body into bio-metal–including the brain, which results in people becoming mindless robots. Some of those nano-organisms went wild and produced huge creatures called jags, which are just like sandworms of Arrakis (the Dune), except they’re out of metal, and out to consume all other metal. They are responsible for ruining the land.
Vexille is the heroine of the story, a special agent of SWORD. She got the sample from the “bad boy” at the meeting that turned out to be cyber-flesh. She was the only one to successfully get into Japan and except for her lover Leon, who was captured, the only one to survive the arrival. She’s saved by the resistance group lead by Maria, who plan on leading the jags into the Daiwa headquarters and leaving the destruction to them. With a few twists they manage to do that naturally, and that’s the “happy end” (well, not for Japan, though the land’s freed of jags, the whole population’s wiped out by them beforehand too).
It was an interesting movie worth to watch. The story’s exciting and the graphics are great. Right, there are no moments when your adrenaline levels jump to ten times average, but it’s still a good entertainment for an empty evening. 4/5.