Why? Well, probably i wasn’t careful enough. Three teeth gone astray cavity. Bad luck for me… i’ve to get them fixed before april, and the first one (bottom left no. 7) had it drilled and filled (man, like a bad McDonald’s ad “Get a Drill’n’Fill!”), with minor complications. One being me fainting after getting the one-and-halfth shot of (local) anaesthetic. Poor dentist was more scared than i ever will be of any operation, i think. Don’t know what came to me—so far i only had problems with letting docs suck my blood with their bloody hypo. Whatever, this was unexpected for me too. But i’m afraid that she’ll be afraid to give me shots next time so i’ll feel every turn of the drill in my tooth (still two to go, i hate to think of that!), and i’ve got the feeling that it’ll hurt like hell. Simply because of yesterday it started hurting anyway (the one above the fixed one). Hope not. The sure thing, these three turns won’t make me love dentists. At all.
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