Dear diary, imagine what i did this morning! I woke up! The surprising was not the act itself but rather the time: at seven. Well, i should rather say the my phone tried to wake me then, but it wasn’t until seven twenty that i crawled out of bed. I helped some dorm people put the basement level in order for the conference on saturday, and then (after breakfast) the cleaning lady with the common room. (Honestly, i’m such a good samaritan sometimes…) I was a bit surprised when Sors showed up after a phone, though not for my sake, just to study maths with her bro. I went off to the faculty of arts to get my hat back (which i accidentally left on the bus sunday), and was practicing japanese since then. I’m still doing kanji writing excercises, it’s a bit boring, but also funny sometimes, because neither the reading nor the meaning is written there, just the kanji itself… it’s fun to figure out what a totally unknown kanji could mean, or at least how it’s supposed to be read (because then i could look it up in my dictionary), when it’s nowhere to be found anywhere around that part in the book. (I had a good laugh at myself, when looking at an unknown kanji followed by the hiragana “i”, i thought “well, here we got an adjective ending in i
“. The funny was that trying to look up an adjective by its “i” ending is like impossible, since two thirds of japanese adjectives end in “i”…) Now come dinner and more kanji.
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