Weather is interesting here. Wake up in the morning, see the sun shining full blaze, predicting a “nice” hot day, when i melt even if i have only one light layer on me. In the day it’s so. Then the sun sets, and i freeze into that strange molten shape. Not that funny. Next day i wake up and see the whole sky covered by thick clouds. Dress up prepared for cold and rain, just to be welcomed by humid, hot gloom that stays all day. I wonder if there is sometimes such weather already, what it will be like in the summer, which is said to be extremely hot and humid, even for locals, who were wearing multiple layers such days claiming it’s cold… This is how spring is usually said to be: unpredictable. But at home it’s a lot better. Clear. It may rain a few days long but then a week of sunshine and happiness. But here it’s two days sunshine, two days rain. I really need to buy myself a huge umbrella, because my leather jacket doesn’t really seem to like the rain… Huge only because it’s fun. And if i buy one anyway, why buy something that won’t save me from getting soaked?
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