In the coming times i only plan to go to three concerts: a Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra one this weekend (i badly need to buy the tickets, before it sells out), a The Earth Explorer on the sixteenth, and the metal fest which will have Maximum the Hormone, at the end of the month. Out of these, on the TEE one i surely won’t need earplugs, but i think on the other two i will, so i’m planning to buy them soon. (That other two will be at the ZEPP as well, so if the audio technician is the same, i can expect some terrible over-amplification.) Too bad i haven’t yet found a way to buy the tickets easily… I really would need to know japanese a lot better for that. Also, so far as i know there’s no programme magazine of Tokyo (something similar to the hungarian EST’s), which would have all the gigs, exhibitions and movies listed. I know it’d be pretty huge for a city of Hungary’s population, but i couldn’t yet find it online either. I want to go to a punk gig too sometime, just to see if the rebels of music are just as passive on a gig as the Sex Machineguns fans. Hope not.
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