I realised that i like to cook. This way i’m able to create something without getting annoyed by the small troublesome results. Of course, the same goes for writing, but writing needs a subject, while cooking only needs the ingredients, that could be bought anywhere, and not a whole load of inspiration like writing.
Today i made something i wouldn’t usually think of, the so called “drunken chicken”. The reason is pretty simple: when i went to buy some orange juice, somehow a can of beer caught my attention and i decided to buy it—exceptionally for cooking purposes. And what else, than the drunken chicken then, chicken cooked in beer (and a few other ingredients). I cooked much, because when i mentioned it, many people said that they wanted to try it… I still have a bit left, probably i’ll eat it tomorrow. (Or could give it to somebody interested, just mail me about it…) As usual for what i cook, it was not exactly beautiful, here’s how it looked in the pot…