I’m happy. Simply and greatly happy. Today i did most of the stuff i really like, and that feels great. I woke up at noon. Because we were partying late till night, as i already wrote about that. Then i had table tennis training, which was good, i got my uniform, lost five games to Anthony in a row (his serves are simply crazy, at least until you figure out that it just seems to be crazy), then went with the club people to eat, ended up Sankichi (i haven’t eaten a bento in like two months or so), and then the terrace of the cafeteria. We were talking a lot, and i’ve got my first mosquito bites as well (probably because the yesterday rain, i’ve never seen or felt any of those here until now), then i got back to my room, practised some songs on the guitar (Nirvana’s Come as you are and Iron Maiden’s Fear of the dark and naturally Jingle bells) then picked up my stuff and the people as well for a “fruit party”. Since yesterday was a partyish party, i figured not many people would be in for another party tonight, so i picked the fruits i bought i Seiyu and it ended up great and fun. (Alcoholic melon was especially funny (funny melon), at least the others said it tasted like alcohol (i couldn’t feel that), probably because it wasn’t in the fridge, just where i keep my potatoes as well.) Then i watched the second new episode of the Haruhi series (check on Youtube), which was simply put great, i really want my summer vacation to have all that stuff. Then, i just realised that the third episode is out already as well, so i’m downloading. Talked with a friend, and now i think i’ll just take a shower and sleep. Oh, and happy birthday to the US, at least it was still its birthday here when i started typing this post. Tomorrow (today) i’ll have to study a lot. Oh, and ska-ish music feels great now.
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