My body went crazy, apparently. It’s one thing that i constantly feel a tension inside that is possibly anxiousness, just i don’t know its reason. I’ve never been anxious before even worse exams than that i’m facing in a week, nor do i consider this exam something difficult. Since it’s all spread over a week, i have time to study everything needed. Not grave, but still i couldn’t sleep last night, and that’s annoying. I got to bed around one… And i could feel my pulse speeding up instantly, though before that my brain was totally numb. After like ten minutes i decided that if i can’t sleep i’ll take the advice of one of the kaiwa: if you can’t sleep try reading something boring, and it’ll work. Since in the afternoon i constantly fell asleep over the grammar book, i started reading that, and indeed, my next memory is waking up in the morning (though i could have been kidnapped by the aliens to make a chair out of me (Amorf Ördögök – Asztalos ufók (video) reference), but then they also brainwashed me). Also, i made a coffee for myself in lunchtime, but forgot to drink it–yet my body reacted as if i drank it. Scary really, when you feel the effects of the coffee and then upon arriving home you realise that it’s still all there on the stove…