Scary that i’m here for the fourth day now and i still haven’t taken the trouble to throw out all the junk. I’ll have to soon enough anyway, as it’s difficult to get about in my room with the floor covered in bags and stuff…

I have accomplished nothing. Though i only have one chapter of grammar homework to get done, there’s still the more fun parts to go: maths and actually learning the kanji. I’m done with the written parts, but that’s nothing compared to the learning itself. I plan to start that today as well—unusually, i could get myself out of bed before ten, though i don’t know how i managed.

I dreamed, and it was a mixture of the seventh Harry Potter, which i’m reading now all my free minutes, just opening it randomly and reading on and on and on… So it’s a mixture of that last Harry Potter and my life. Scary how well my own experiences and the people i know fit in some of those situations. JKR really managed to knock me off the broom with that Harry/Ginny stuff, those half sentences splattered all over the book.