Now that’s what i’m definitely not going to write about now. I think that i don’t have any, except for those i’ll have to do by next week, so now slacking. To be precise, doing webdesign (i’ll show it upon request) and browsing Today i bought some concert tickets. To be exact, four. Thus the schedule becomes: this saturday, a Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra (et al) concert on the Tokyo JAZZ 2009 Groove section (from 13:00 to 19:00). The next one is the Stratovarius gig in Kawasaki Club Citta—my first concert in Japan where i’m not going alone: Tung from Vietnam is coming as well (his’ the fourth ticket). The last one i’m sure to attend will be a HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR gig in Shibuya’s Lightroom. Knowing the band, this one will be a lot of fun as well. Can’t wait!
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