It sucks that even if i sleep enough, after a great lunch (see, that’s why i love to cook for myself, and not eat at the cafeteria, even if that means eating alone) i get so sleepy that i can hardly stay awake. But there are good methods for waking myself, mostly including reading interesting stuff. That’s usually Wikipedia, or books, whichever occurs first. Now it was languages (again). I have too high expectations set for myself. I want to learn a couple of languages that are probably impossible to use anywhere except for that small community. As of now, i have two such languages on my list to learn, nuxálk in Canada and ainu here in Japan. Ainu might not be that difficult now i live in Japan, but getting to Bella Coola and learning an almost extinct language is not that simple. Other (more “mainstream”) languages i want to learn are first finnish and russian, then continue spanish and learn french, as a key to Canada. I may be able to accomplish russian and ainu here, then i “just” need to get to Finland (not to mention i have to keep my german alive somehow)… And figure the rest out then. But this means a lot of changing, which wouldn’t really trouble me, as i love to travel and get to know new people, but it also makes any kind of family planning totally impossible, as it’s pretty difficult to find someone who would come with me all the way around the world…
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