I wasn’t under the shower long enough apparently, because i’m still moody, although my eyes are all right, except for the left one (what a coincidence), which is practically blind, but whatever. On the way home there was a funny scene at Chofu station (and yes, i’m starting to write english sentences with japanese structures, i realised it as well, but can’t do anything about it for now). I was waiting for a local train to come home, but a special express was at the station right then. I was standing where the local would have its door, which coincided with the place of the express train’s door. And behind that door were a twitting group of schoolgirls. You know, the typical sailor uniform, mini skirt, that crappy shoes from the 1920’s and the young teenage girls’ gigglishness. Suddenly one of them caught sight of me. Jawdrop. Still staring at me, she poked another one, and by the time the train was leaving, they were all gazing at me, as if i was at least the frontman of Gazette or whatever girl-popular japanese band. I guess i’ll just have to get used to this, i hope they don’t find out my address or i’ll be in trouble handling all the fangirls. Another thing, which i won’t joke about, a case that i recalled when i read a post about why guys are afraid to pick up chicks (of course it’s in hungarian, bad luck for everyone else). She was kind of perfect, by looking at it, and japanese, which is a terribly rare combination. I don’t have a photo, nor her number. A crowded train is not the best place to approach a japanese girl… That’s bad luck, in my case.
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