Not a month has passed since i bought myself the Italian blend, and i already finished it. Guess it’s the exams’ fault. Anyway, this time i wanted to try something different, and ended up with Kenya. It’s nowhere as good for me, as the Italian blend, but i’ll cope with it until it’s over. It’s obviously much less roasted than Italian blend, and its flavours are totally different. The ground beans smell clean, fresh and somewhat acidy, but not so “dark” (you could say burnt, but that’s a bit different). If you smell its steam after making it, the view changes a bit. It’s smell is quite strong, but at the same time warm and somehow friendly. There’s a slight fruity feel to it, and it doesn’t have the good old burnt acridity in it. The taste of the coffee itself is totally different once again. It has all the basic tastes a coffee should have, it has the stinginess i like and a very warm feel to it, on the other hand it hardly has any aftertaste, which is a big bad point in my eyes. At least it has the body that coats the tongue for a few seconds, but that’s gone all too early too. I’ll see if i get used to it, or what. The sure thing is, my next one will be Gold Coast. ‘Nuff said.
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