Okay, this is simply hilarious. On friday i’m going home, so i started cleaning my room (again). This only means that finally i put all my clothes on the shelves and threw out the half-rotting heap of garbage. (Naturally, dish-washing is left for tomorrow.) I usually have such a pile in my room somewhere, simply because i try to keep all the junk separated (combustible, plastic etc), and i don’t have enough trash cans around (or simply i’m too lazy to get out of my chair to throw away that…). Well, that “that” is the key. Most of the garbage is plastic or paper: packaging. I don’t know how this goes in other countries, not even at home, since most of the stuff i’m buying and/or eating here were kind of natural, i didn’t have to think about it. Example: Halls throat candy. I eat a lot of that nowadays, because i don’t want to get ill, which goes all too easily in this time of the year (although the girl at the barbershop today told me that she was over the new flu in three days, which really means three days considering the insane level of japanese health care). Buy one: have the candies, wrapped in paper. Put that in a bag. And inside the packaging have each candy wrapped in plastic foil. Or: “butter” (it’s not actually butter, but no idea how it’s properly and usably called). Not counting the bag they hand it over, a paper box, the plastic box of the butter, and a totally useless paper sheet. Might be i’m just overreacting, but i feel like japanese would do better if they first cut the tremendous junk output (less waribashi are an example of that), and select the rest. It’s all nice doing the selective trash collection, but there’s still looong way to improve. (And not only the environment, i’d be happier as well, less junk.)
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