I had a note in my phone for a very long time, to remind me to write about a topic. I was reminded of it again, when someone commented on my favourite Maximum the Hormone song‘s Guitar Hero video, saying it’s “the best thing since women’s striped stockings”. Others say “striped socks turn me on”. I can’t help but agree… (I guess everyone has these “knacks”, and here i go coming out.) I browsed around deviantArt, and made a little collection of “instant love” pictures of the kind. For others interested in these most very delightful of women-wear, there is a specialised club on dA with a really nice (though naturally incomplete) collection. My collection is a bit in contrast with what i wrote about in the previous post–these pictures include most (probably all) of the possible positions to take photos of legs, and all are great. All. Period. I’m seriously considering posting each and every one of them on the blog just for the sake of it. At least then i would have the proper space and time to detail them, which of course i would love to do. Also, while browsing, i stumbled upon two more photos, which caught me. I guess way too many people would debate about one of them (and you know which one), to what i could only say that it has all needed. Who knows, maybe you’ll see more about those too later on. じゃね~
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