I’m here. I just woke up. It would be normal for home, but there’s eight hours of time difference, meaning it’s way past 3 pm already. And i can’t say i’m all cheery about that, becaue i wanted to study now. I have roughly three chapters of kanji homework to do, which is not all that difficult, but i want to take my time and review at least some of the last trimester. I also wanted to go shopping for food, because naturally after this much of ingredients, except for meat (frozen), lettuce (didn’t rot, to my greatest surprise) and olives (unopened) and the tons of various spices i had or brought from home. (Now that i wrote it down, this seems to be enough for one or two lunch.) Naturally i also have a reason, other than being jetlagged and hardly have slept any for the past three days, for waking up so late, that is that i went to bed at three (ante meridiem). We were talking, chatting, jabbering, catching up and stuff. And of course today, when i’m finally here, the sun’s not shining, and i managed not to wake up on my phone alarm (it’s still the same from the home freshmen camp, shouted by Vestator), which is quite loud, so to say. I don’t know if i woke up, walked across my luggages to my phone in the other end of the room (that would be the point, so that i couldn’t stop it quick enough and i’d wake up), or just my sleep was so deep that i didn’t bother. Whatever, now’s the time to activate myself with a coffee (it smells so similar to my mom’s) and “breakfast”. And study. Really.
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