Is difficult to schedule well. Again it’s three in the morning, and i’m pretty sure i won’t be sleeping before four. Although, in exchange, i’ll just let myself snore on until ten or eleven. Then guitar, guitar and guitar, concentrating as much as i can. Now in the evening i tried to play Iron Maiden’s masterpiece Fear of the Dark and it turned out much better than i thought it would. Also, tomorrow is the High and Mighty Color gig in Shibuya, and maybe i won’t be going alone. Then sunday is more or less the same, church in the morning, guitar all day, then the AC/DC in the evening. Monday again, wake up, guitar, then go to the practice place and more guitar.

Pretty simple, isn’t it? Anyway, today we played a bit of dota, and i got badly owned. To be exact, due to unforeseen circumstances, our team deemed unable to achieve victory. But at least i managed to get a nice build for my phantom lancer: Manta, Aghanim’s, Heart, and i was heading to get the Eaglehorn for my Butterfly when i had to rush home just to be late catching an enemy hero destroy our ancient. My demon witch was good as well, but the bounty hunter could counter me way too efficiently.

In the meanwhile, trying to consume as little coffee and yet stay as active as possible. And blog enough. (Also, just cut a new avatar, does it count as spoiler? I’m not saying where it’s from, because then it would be.)