Probably i’m the stupid one, but this is not the first time tagging mp3 files almost drove me crazy. Never had any such problems on Windows though, i could do whatever i wanted with foobar, or if i happened to be in the mood to give a track different id3v1 and id3v2 tags, Winamp. Not on linux though. I use Rhythmbox for music playback, edit tags with EasyTAG and do more serious stuff like stream tweaking and replay gain calculating with MP3 Diags. Today i copied an old Sex Machineguns (japanese heavy metal band) album from a backup cd, and wanted to fix the tags with the correct japanese spellings etc. That’s where the fun began. In the beginning all tags were in english or romanized japanese. I changed the tags with EasyTAG and saved both id3v1 and v2. Calculated replay gain with MP3 Diags, and then realised that the id3v1 tags have the japanese text messed up, although it was saved in utf-8–which, as it turns out, isn’t all that well supported in v1. So i deleted the v1 streams with Diag, and all seemed fine. Then i imported it all into Rhythmbox and as if nothing changed, it was still displaying the english-romaji titles. Neither with EasyTAG nor Diag could i see where it gets that data from, it even showed that after i theoretically purged everything but my selected streams with Diag. Tryed again a couple of times and before my nervous breakdown i decided to launch the Windows 7 virtual machine, install foobar and do it there. I was done in half a minute, and it’s working all right. Windows scored.
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