Blogging about blogging can be interesting. Just don’t overdo it. Blogging only aboug blogging doesn’t feel like blogging anymore, you see.
Anyway, i just realised how recently i started writing more and more in japanese. And this will get worse. Remembering how i got to my current level in english, i can’t overlook blogging in english (as well) for years. Insane amount of practice, writing about whatever i want, as long as i want, in the style i want. Also, if i remember right, i wrote a bunch of posts in german when i was preparing for the exam back a few years ago–too bad i stopped that.
And although this was obviously not an option back when i had probably no visitors but myself (at least i can say my traffic increased as well, not only the number of posts), being corrected by visitors is also nice. Not all the time, of course, but i surely need some assistance with japanese. (And sometimes with english too, just i already have my sources to look that kind of stuff up by myself. All hail Google.)
Of course writing in japanese back when Babelfish had better japanese than me, was not fun. But now that i can mostly phrase what i mean, it’s getting fun. And i usually don’t stop something that’s fun. True, i wouldn’t write posts about technology or webdesign in japanese—i hate katakana words. Rather write it in the original english then. Since tech-related words are mostly borrowed from english in any language anyway, it feels more natural too.