Don’t worry, i wasn’t lost or dead, neither was i abducted, though i did spent most of my free time in the Pegasus galaxy. Anyone familiar with that phrase? Yeah, i’ve been watching Stargate Atlantis. I started it when i was supposed to, at the end of the seventh season of Stargate SG-1. But i didn’t keep up—i know i was supposed to watch it parallel with the last three SG-1 seasons, but i didn’t. At least this way i got more… continuity.
In its five seasons Atlantis had much less space for the predictable episodes that were so typical to SG-1 after a few seasons. Much less, but of course they were still there. The story overall is much simpler, with “just” one race as the great enemy and a few minor powers who mostly only cause trouble. In the five seasons, there was only one clip show episode, somewhere in the last season (thus near the finale), so it’s forgivable.
The characters were well designed and the crossovers with SG-1 made it really feel like a part of the already constructed Stargate world in my head, although there were hardly any episodes in the Milky Way galaxy.
True, significant parts of the story won’t make much sense to someone who haven’t seen SG-1, but the main storyline events will. Now on to Universe.