Yumekui Merry (夢喰いメリー, Dreameater Merry) is a great anime. It centers around a dream demon called Merry Nightmare (what a contradictory and almost impossible to translate name) and Yumeji, a guy who has the ability to predict people’s dreams based on their auras. Merry tries to get back to the world of dreams, but for some reason, she can’t, and this is where the story starts.
Oh, did i say it’s a great anime? First, amazing graphics. Second, amazing music. Third, it’s just great. I can’t really remember any anime that could almost make me cry (it made my heart cry for sure) over the death of a minor character who only appeared like half an episode earlier. It’s… great.
Of course we’re subbing it. I can’t miss a chance to work with such a great (yeah, i’m lost for words) material. You should totally watch it.