That feel when you stay up late because you’ve to cap something off tv, end up late for class, but still manage to have that shave you so needed for a week, just had no chance to get it done. That feel when you go to the club meeting and in the matter of minutes the number of your bands grows from 1 to 3 (which means the number of songs boomed from 4 to 11). That feel when you get a good sleep after reading a few chapters of Gaiman’s American Gods, of course all this during a very exciting class. That feel when after classes you go to the clubroom and hang out for an hour doing pretty much nothing, and still feel that the time was well spent. That feel when you work out for an hour and run another half, and your body’s so tired you can hardly keep typing, but still when you arrive home the first thing is that you pick up your bass to play the Baseballs’ cover of Umbrella. That feel when you have a good dinner and a pack of Pocky, with coffee and orange juice. That feel when you just turned 22.
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