A few years ago “dark beers” started showing up on the supermarket shelves in Japan. I think every major mass-market brewery has a porter-imitation brand, but Tokyo Black from Yo-Ho is a whole different world.
Dota 2
I gave it a try. People were going on all (online) around me about the Internationals, which by the looks of it is the Dota equivalent of LCS, and I decided I’d see for myself what’s going on – I could hardly tell what was going on at all from replays after all.
Jordan Badger, the brother of Adrian Mole
It’s one thing to be stuck in the studio basically all day (except for exceptions), and it’s another to spend the whole of that time actively doing work. Which is what happened today…
Ginga Kogen wheat beer
Ginga Kogen (銀河高原, Galaxy Highlands) is a Japanese brand that I’d put somewhere between craft and mass-market. One of their central products is their wheat beer.
El Salvador Pacamara
The other day I noticed that Starbucks rolled out another coffee, so of course I gave it a try. El Salvador Pacamara (as the name suggests) comes from Central America, where its grown “on the slopes of a volcano”, on the Montecarlos coffee estate. I tend to expect full-bodied and dark roasted, aromatic coffees from the Americas, and Pacamara was no letdown.
Gy. Ú. R. O. K.
A hétvégén végre eljutottam a helyi konditerembe. Eddig is minden reggel eljártam futni, de mint a múltkor leírtam, a kondi már nem fért bele a hétköznapjaimba.
The Bud
The thing about Budweiser is that by the time someone gets well-phrased enough in the world of beers to know what good and bad is, they tend to become snobs who can only appreciate craft IPAs, refusing to even treat mass-produced delights like Bud as beer.
Looking East
I’ve seen ads on the train promoting a (somewhat) impressionist exhibition in the Setagaya Museum of Arts. The collection from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts can be seen in Tokyo in the summer, then it’s gonna be put on exhibit in Osaka for the fall and Nagoya during the winter.
Ma hazafelé az egyik vasútállomásnál láttam egy amerikai-stílusú fánkost, és engedtem a csábításnak. Az áraik persze nem a földön járnak (valamiért úgy sejtem, hogy amennyiért itt egy fánkot kapok, annyiért Amerikában tizenegyet kapnék), úgyhogy “csak” kettőt vettem.
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