This beer has a name that if it by chance appeared in an anime and it was translated, leechers would be raging at the subbers for trolling. It literally translates to “to the point: no one asked your preferences, sorry”. It’s a seasonal brand by Yo-Ho, and currently it’s a pretty extreme imperial porter.
I don’t know how much of a proper porter it is at all, because they used ingredients (sesame, I seriously doubt are traditionally used in beer at all, resulting in something I’d rather release in the cold months than in the summer heat.
It pours almost black amber color with a quickly disappearing head colored like old paper. There’s some weak lacing. The smell is something I’d expect from a porter, with caramel and hops dominating, with some notes foreshadowing the overwhelming taste.
Because the taste is, overwhelming. It’s very full, very heavy and complex. There’s a thick caramel sweetness (tip hats to brown sugar), decent (though compared to the sweetness, quite humble) bitterness and pretty strong carbonation. It took a while to get behind this wall of strong first shock, but then things got interesting. There’s fruitiness that reminds me of the Bavarian cocktail Goaß consisting of beer, coke and sherry. There are also notes of the sesame that the makers themselves advertise to have used.
It’s definitely not bad, but it’s not something I’d just casually drink. The website doesn’t lie when it says it’s a “drinking dessert.”