You know how surprised I was when I got the email from the Clojure/north organizers telling me that our talk proposal was accepted? (Hint: a lot.) Turns out they’d been looking for talks that aren’t so much experimentation and theory, but more working through the mud of reality. We’ve got that.

It’s hard to start new habits. I almost forgot to do this today.
A few days ago I came up with an idea. I’ve been making worlds in my head for as long as I can remember, but coming up with stories in those worlds was a whole different deal. So I figured I’d just practice writing by picking a random word every day I go to the gym (which is most weekdays) and write 200 words (at least) around that.
Today’s word was “juntocracy.” (Somewhat amusing that my spellchecker doesn’t know it.)
Sometimes I hear a song, and I don’t even realize it’s a cover. Then when I do, I often check out the original too. I kinda trust the artists I listen to, so if they thought a song worthy of covering, then I might like the original too.
There are a few songs like that, that led me to discover older artists I hadn’t known about. One of the first such cover I remember is Helloween’s Fast as a shark. It’s originally a song by the likewise German, and even more ancient metal band Accept. They’ve been around since ’68! Nonetheless, I only found out about them when I heard Helloween’s cover. After that, I had some of their albums in my library for a good while.
Even bigger a success (at least from my point of view) is HammerFall’s cover of Ravenlord. It’s originally a Stormwitch song. Much like Accept, Stormwitch is an older band from the German metal scene that I didn’t know about. When I realized Ravenlord’s a cover, they were actually enjoying some renewed attention, possibly thanks to that very cover. At this point I’m listening to Stormwitch about as much as HammerFall – admittedly not as much as I used to, but they’re still present!
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