I am currently writing from under Knoppix, a Linux that can be booted and used without installing, from CD. I just wanted to see how my sites display with Konqueror. Well, it’s all right, some small graphic bugs encountered on the search page here (i don’t really get why it looks like it looks, but it’s not perfect… i wonder where those CSS Zen Garden guys learned from, they can make so perfect desings…) , vWrite shows perfectly, and nearly all of my other pages are alright. Konqueror doesn’t show background patterns set with CSS background:; if there’s also a background color defined (what’s the point in this, one can wonder), the fonts in here are hardly anti-aliased, and to top it all, this thing’s set to US keyboard so i’ve to get used to it…

Now i get fed up with it so i changed to hungarian. Took 5 secs. Lazy me.

I already “wasted” ten minutes of my precious working time by posting here… So, see ya later!