It’s really worth it. Today that noon coffee gave me a lot of speed, so i really enjoyed the last class—instead sleeping through it as usual. But still it was slow for my level of consciousness then, so i was planning the blog coding again. I realised a few basic mistakes in the planning of the recent engine, so i think i’ll have to rewrite a nice bunch of it, but no problem, since the most troublesome parts (replacing special characters, turning numbers and dates into words in a normal way) need not be changed. At such times i’m really happy i paid at least some attention at the home university classes about program planning…
But that’s not to come today. I still have to study (still still still) and Huyen-san just treated me to an ice-cream, and i’m joining them down in the library instead of pretending to learn in my room (actually checking plurk and facebook and and my mail about every second for something, thus ending up not studying a bit).