Author: valerauko




Having played around with the managed Kubernetes offerings of various cloud players (DO, AWS, GCP), I was wondering if it was possible to do this cheap. My site doesn’t have much traffic or anything complicated really, so running it off a $5 DO droplet is reasonable. Sadly managed Kubernetes offerings won’t come out so cheap. (Sure I could leech off the starting $300 GCP credit for a year then keep hopping accounts, but…)

Then I read about k3s. The people behind Rancher made it as a lightweight (but functionally complete) Kubernetes distro. Lightweight, they say… Just how light? (Imagine a weird maniac light in my eyes here.) Could I run it on a $5 droplet?


I think many people of my profession got recommended a certain article by Medium in their weekly digest. The launch-introduction post by Garden got my attention too. I’ve been trying to figure out how to deal with developing on Kubernetes, so every drop of information in that regard is much welcome.


One of the biggest challenges to Hotaka, at 3190m Japan’s third tallest mountain, is that the standard route (which is the only one really while there is snow) features a very long, almost 15km approach walk from Kamikochi along the Azusa river.


I went to climb Mt Aizu-koma, one of the 100 famous mountains of Japan, and one of the few that are relatively easily accessible from Tokyo but still have snow in June. And snow it had. The goal of the climb was to break in the double boots I got for Elbrus. I also added my training 10kg weight to my backpack, making it total near 20kg (a bit too much).


Nem a londoni múzeum, hanem a japán hegy. A Tateyamáról azt kell tudni, hogy a környéke (ami Nagano és Toyama határán van) a világ egyik leghavasabb helye. Még így júniusban is több méteres hófalak között mennek a buszok Toyama felé le a hegyről. A rengeteg hónak köszönhető, hogy itt van japán egyetlen gleccsere. Másik érdekesség a környéken a Kurobe gát, a legmagasabb Japánban.



あまりうまく調べることすらできなくて、正解を見つけるまではかなり時間がかかった。鉄道好きな皆さんが記事とか解説いっぱい書いてくれてるおかげ。そんな長いトンネル憧れるけど、貨物専用で川崎地下鉄すら通してもらえなかったし、中から見ること… 実はできる。そしてとても案外なことに、わずか一週間前でもまだ指定席が取れた。GW中に乗れるなんて思いもしなかった。




You know how surprised I was when I got the email from the Clojure/north organizers telling me that our talk proposal was accepted? (Hint: a lot.) Turns out they’d been looking for talks that aren’t so much experimentation and theory, but more working through the mud of reality. We’ve got that.




