Author: valerauko




あと阿佐ヶ谷の20tapsがFish Storyってビール出してたので、その小説読んでた時が懐かしくなったつい飲んだ。ウィートラガーはあまり趣味じゃないけどね。


It’s hard to start new habits. I almost forgot to do this today.


A few days ago I came up with an idea. I’ve been making worlds in my head for as long as I can remember, but coming up with stories in those worlds was a whole different deal. So I figured I’d just practice writing by picking a random word every day I go to the gym (which is most weekdays) and write 200 words (at least) around that.

Today’s word was “juntocracy.” (Somewhat amusing that my spellchecker doesn’t know it.)


Sometimes I hear a song, and I don’t even realize it’s a cover. Then when I do, I often check out the original too. I kinda trust the artists I listen to, so if they thought a song worthy of covering, then I might like the original too.

There are a few songs like that, that led me to discover older artists I hadn’t known about. One of the first such cover I remember is Helloween’s Fast as a shark. It’s originally a song by the likewise German, and even more ancient metal band Accept. They’ve been around since ’68! Nonetheless, I only found out about them when I heard Helloween’s cover. After that, I had some of their albums in my library for a good while.

Even bigger a success (at least from my point of view) is HammerFall’s cover of Ravenlord. It’s originally a Stormwitch song. Much like Accept, Stormwitch is an older band from the German metal scene that I didn’t know about. When I realized Ravenlord’s a cover, they were actually enjoying some renewed attention, possibly thanks to that very cover. At this point I’m listening to Stormwitch about as much as HammerFall – admittedly not as much as I used to, but they’re still present!

Akadake visszavágó

Egy pár hete megpróbáltam már egyszer megmászni a Yatsugatake legmagasabb csúcsát, ám akkor a hágóvas hiánya és az átfagyott bakancs kifogott rajtam. De én nehezen viselem a vereséget, úgyhogy pár nappal később vettem egy eggyel nehezebb (és melegebb és keményebb) bakancsot, amire már hágóvasat is lehet kapcsolni. (Ő aztán az Akagin került tesztelésre.)

Download Japan 2019

To sum up Download’s experiment with expanding to Japan: good artists, meh sound. The lineup was truly, truly outrageous: Amaranthe, Man with a Mission, Halestorm, Arch Enemy – just to name those who brought me to Makuhari. The headliner Judas Priest are legends (if aged) and some may consider Slayer music too (I have trouble in that regard).


Today the Arcarum summons got their fifth release and the associated characters (sages?) have been unlocked as well. They’ve finally raised the weekly/total point limits too, so now I’m less likely to bump into that wall when running the rounds.



Akadake loser

Akadake (often romanized as Mt Aka) is part of Yatsugatake, it’s highest peak actually. The range is known for being “active” all year round. Other mountains get inaccessible and deserted as winter starts: buses stop running, mountain huts close until spring and so on.

The Yatsugatake range has lots of ski resorts and it’s a friendly place for people like me who want to try climbing in snow. I’ve had a weekend’s fun in Tateshina already (which is the northern neighbor of Yatsugatake actually), so now I decided to jump into the deep water (snow) and go for Mt Aka. I didn’t expect the difficulty I faced.

Az idő pénz

Azt mondjuk, az idő pénz, aztán a következő pillanatban már azt, hogy az idő az egyetlen dolog a világon, amit nem kapsz meg pénzért. Akkor most melyik? Az első állítás, miszerint az idő pénz, nekem egy egyenlőségnek tűnik, az egyenlőség meg, mint tudjuk, kommutatív, vagyis fordítva is ugyanúgy működnie kéne.

Szerintem működik is. Ha dolgozol, az időbe telik, és pénzt kapsz érte – bár itt felvetődik, hogy mi van azzal a pénzzel, amiért nem áldoztál közvetlenül időt (például a tőzsdén vagy kamatokból). És visszafelé szintén, mert a modern élet kényelmei, amik általában nagyon sok időt felszabadítanak, nem ingyen vannak. A vonat se, a gyorskaja se, sajnos az orvos se.