Author: valerauko

Just a little torture

I stumbled upon an article on Guardian about Yanagiya, a restaurant in Gifu that apparently might just be the best restaurant on the planet. Of course I’d love to go, but I fear that even calling on the combined web of all my social networks, I might still not get an invitation. But it’s definitely worth giving a try, seeing all these accolades. I’ll still have to find someone to go with, but I doubt that’d be an issue.

And why is that torture? Because I’ve had the worst lunch today in… a very long time. My coworkers were singing tales about the cafeteria of the nearby Senshu university, so we went to give it a try. It was simply horrible. I had no idea miso soup could taste bad, but now I know. It feels like my stomach is giving extra care to that trash because 10 hours later I still don’t feel like eating anything.

Grand Kirin IPA

It’s been ages since I last had any alcohol at home (though I still have a bottle of Jura in progress). Tonight I went to the supermarket to pick up some snacks and on the way I spotted Kirin’s IPA. I’ve tried Kirin craft attempts before, so I wondered what this one is like.

Shit manners

This is about the title in most possible interpretations. For the years now I’ve been working in Japan, I noticed certain (really annoying) things about shit. This wasn’t much of a problem during university when most I’ve seen my Japanese fellows was when we were getting drunk together, but actually working at a company means I have to endure actual people around me most of the day. And their various smells.

I’ve got a sensitive nose, apparently. I can smell what the family in the next house are having for dinner with my window closed. There is one smell that I could never really pick up, and that is alcohol. Sadly, shit is not one such.




Rails counter_cacheの罠

counter_cacheはいいぞ。 #いいぞ



Rock in Japan 2017

Nyári fesztiválon még egyetemista koromban jártam utoljára – azt hiszem, a 2011-es Summer Sonicon (az se volt semmi felhozatal, az biztos). Persze nem-nyári fesztiválokra mentem azóta is. Írni nem feltétlenül írtam mindről, de az utóbbi pár évben minden Loud Parkon ott voltam, és akkor a két Knotfestről és Ozzfestről ne is beszéljünk.

Idén viszont, hogy már állást is váltottam, végre tényleg hosszúak a hosszú hétvégéim, végre bekerült a “szabadság” a szótáramba, és még a lelki erő is megvan. Így “hirtelen” (nem volt hirtelen) elhatározásból egy jó barátommal elmentünk a Rock in Japan első felére augusztus elején.

Yoshida Hiroshi exhibition

There was a Yoshida Hiroshi exhibition in the Sonpo museum in Shinjuku. I had no idea who the painter was, but I saw the ads during my commute and I liked the style of the art, so I decided to go. I must admit that this all was the last weekend of July, I was just too lazy to write about it so far.

It’s been a while since I last went to see an exhibit (years, even). Recently I rather spend my free days more actively – in the sense of doing creative stuff (or wasting my day playing games). I don’t regret braking that habit though.

The Yoshida exhibition was just plain fabulous. The different styles of art, from Japanese-style woodblock paintings and hanging scrolls and expressionism to a more realistic depiction of war and suffering were an exciting trip. It’s interesting to see the quiet scenery of a snow-covered farm next to the sight from the cockpit of a dive-bomber.




Android and Unicode ID3 tags

For a while now I’ve been noticing that certain songs’ ID3 tags are broken when played on my Android phone. I use Black Player which in turn uses the built in Android music libraries – but I’ve checked in a number of other players too just in case and the problem persists.

My music library is extremely multilingual (and most of those languages I don’t even speak), so it’s full of UTF characters. Some of them seem to break Android’s encoding recognition. Sadly some of these triggers are pretty common, resulting in borked scrobbles. (And of course can’t be expected to be so smart as to fix all those automatically.)

