
Nem a londoni múzeum, hanem a japán hegy. A Tateyamáról azt kell tudni, hogy a környéke (ami Nagano és Toyama határán van) a világ egyik leghavasabb helye. Még így júniusban is több méteres hófalak között mennek a buszok Toyama felé le a hegyről. A rengeteg hónak köszönhető, hogy itt van japán egyetlen gleccsere. Másik érdekesség a környéken a Kurobe gát, a legmagasabb Japánban.



あまりうまく調べることすらできなくて、正解を見つけるまではかなり時間がかかった。鉄道好きな皆さんが記事とか解説いっぱい書いてくれてるおかげ。そんな長いトンネル憧れるけど、貨物専用で川崎地下鉄すら通してもらえなかったし、中から見ること… 実はできる。そしてとても案外なことに、わずか一週間前でもまだ指定席が取れた。GW中に乗れるなんて思いもしなかった。




You know how surprised I was when I got the email from the Clojure/north organizers telling me that our talk proposal was accepted? (Hint: a lot.) Turns out they’d been looking for talks that aren’t so much experimentation and theory, but more working through the mud of reality. We’ve got that.









あと阿佐ヶ谷の20tapsがFish Storyってビール出してたので、その小説読んでた時が懐かしくなったつい飲んだ。ウィートラガーはあまり趣味じゃないけどね。


It’s hard to start new habits. I almost forgot to do this today.


A few days ago I came up with an idea. I’ve been making worlds in my head for as long as I can remember, but coming up with stories in those worlds was a whole different deal. So I figured I’d just practice writing by picking a random word every day I go to the gym (which is most weekdays) and write 200 words (at least) around that.

Today’s word was “juntocracy.” (Somewhat amusing that my spellchecker doesn’t know it.)


Sometimes I hear a song, and I don’t even realize it’s a cover. Then when I do, I often check out the original too. I kinda trust the artists I listen to, so if they thought a song worthy of covering, then I might like the original too.

There are a few songs like that, that led me to discover older artists I hadn’t known about. One of the first such cover I remember is Helloween’s Fast as a shark. It’s originally a song by the likewise German, and even more ancient metal band Accept. They’ve been around since ’68! Nonetheless, I only found out about them when I heard Helloween’s cover. After that, I had some of their albums in my library for a good while.

Even bigger a success (at least from my point of view) is HammerFall’s cover of Ravenlord. It’s originally a Stormwitch song. Much like Accept, Stormwitch is an older band from the German metal scene that I didn’t know about. When I realized Ravenlord’s a cover, they were actually enjoying some renewed attention, possibly thanks to that very cover. At this point I’m listening to Stormwitch about as much as HammerFall – admittedly not as much as I used to, but they’re still present!

Akadake visszavágó

Egy pár hete megpróbáltam már egyszer megmászni a Yatsugatake legmagasabb csúcsát, ám akkor a hágóvas hiánya és az átfagyott bakancs kifogott rajtam. De én nehezen viselem a vereséget, úgyhogy pár nappal később vettem egy eggyel nehezebb (és melegebb és keményebb) bakancsot, amire már hágóvasat is lehet kapcsolni. (Ő aztán az Akagin került tesztelésre.)