Now I get it why people are all going on about IPA this, IPA that. (Although I see people going “it’s not even a proper IPA” in the reviews all around, I don’t have any other point of reference…) It’s pretty damn good indeed. It stays an ale while having all the hops and bitterness that I like in beers. It was a bit surprising that I could taste the alcohol in it, which I usually can’t in good beers. It has what I missed from the other two Shepherd Neame I tried the past days: a lingering aftertaste. Out of the three so far, this is one I definitely would buy again if I got a chance.
Tonight I opened another Shepherd Neame beer, a Kentish strong ale called 1698. Even if I’m not a big fan of pale ales, this one made me go “yumm”. It’s sweet and smooth, and reminds me of the ciders I had in England. I was a bit surprised when despite its entirely different character I discovered some of the beer-ish tones I was familiar with. To be honest, because of its well-rounded caramel sweetness, it feels like a crossover between a pale ale and a stout.
But here I am again trying to sound smarter and more knowledgeable about beers than I am, so you’d be better off with some pros’ reviews instead.
Beer beer
For a change I’m not talking about music, but about the actual beverage. I ran out of food so today after I got out of the studio I went shopping to my usual supermarket “nearby”. (Reminds me, this was the last day of my tutorial month, I’m gonna get assigned to a studio finally next Wednesday.) As I was about to pick up my usual six-pack of Sapporo Black Label, I noticed a few interesting-looking bottles nearby.
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