Today i removed the IE hack stylesheet and fixed all the graphic bugs except one: in opera, the search box submit button is 4 px smaller in height than it should be. But since it shows perfectly in both IE and FF i’ll leave it like that – not to mention i don’t know of any usable hacks for that. It was not easy, because FF and Opera know about the same amount of CSS2 and 3 but still render content differently. So i couldn’t do what i could do with IE, that i use newest version attributes that IE doesn’t support yet but the other 2 does. After sucking with it for half an hour i decided to leave it as it is. If anyone knows any good solution, don’t hesitate to tell me.
Do you know why does the PHP serialize() function suck with new lines (\n
)? I can’t get it. When i add to the database, it does not count them as characters, but when fetch it and try to unserialize() them, it reports error because of the wrong character count.
So i always have to edit the codes manually so that i rise the character counts in the serialized strings by the number of new lines. It’s not so much trouble, for shorter serializations i do it manually, for longer ones i use strlen(), which strangely counts linebreak characters as a character. Strange, isn’t it?
Speed up
Digimon Backup will be online today. I mean the new version. It does not have too much content as of now, but in my plans i will upload 4 pages (2 hungarian, 2 english) every day from now on until i finish. Oh and also the remaining incomplete systems should be completed too.
When i say it doesn’t have too much content it means it only has about 10 pages up – out of at least 150… Well, it was decided by my visitors: i put up a poll friday to ask their opinion about it, and as of now (when there’s still about 15 minutes remaining until the close of the poll) the first option (upload now with less content) wins sky-high. And i work for my visitors, so… enjoy what you’ll get.
I’ve been working on my sites yesterday almost whole day. I did plenty of DB pages, fixed some typos and i think they even look better in this new layout. I really like those i’ve already finished. Now i’ll start doing it again, i want to upload at least 6-8 renewed pages today. Also, i’ll have to write the new content pages for those things that’s not in the old version and also for Savers. I could do pages really quickly, but a bug in serialize() make it annoying. Oh yeah, it might now have been for the [/h(int)] thingy, i realised that even before entering the data into the database, serialize counts the length of long strings wrong. This suck because i have to copy the text out for strlen() and edit the serialized string – this is why it takes much longer than it should.
Pascal and PHP
Did you know it’s easy? I mean programming using Pascal. Really. Especially if one has a good tutorial to teach him the fundamentals. I can already use some really basic functions after learning it for only a half afternoon, so it’s far from impossible to master it by the end of october, when i’ll need massive knowledge of it.
Today then i worked a few hours on my sites (really only a few), and sucked with an annoying bug of the unserialize() function which has the habit to break down if the string that should be unserialized contains the [/h(int)] part, where (int) is any number. Really annoying. This may be present with other strings too so just be careful using BBCode-alike things along with serialization…
Mostmár lassan egész délután a Digimon Backup kódjával játszadozom, már ha játszadozásnak lehet nevezni azt a tevékenységet, ami lassan halad, és nem sok örömet hoz menet közben, annál több bosszantó problémát? A sakkjátékos olvasóktól most kérek elnézést, mert arra ráillik…
A lényeg, hogy szinte az összes időm erre ment el, és mégse tartok szinte sehol se. Majd holnap… pedig holnapra japántanulást terveztem, ha már sikerült újra kikölcsönöztetnem a tankönyvet a könyvtárból… úgy tűnik, ismét csak esti pár óra jut majd arra a célra. Igaz, ha ezekkel a template cuccokkal kész leszek, akkor már szinte csak az admin felület és a tartalom marad… “csak”-ot írtam? Jó ég… Azért remélem, tanév eleje előtt befejezem…
Most pedig jöhet a délután Sherlock Holmes film a televízióban, aztán egy óra pihi (szinoníma a feltehetőleg filozófia témájú könyvek olvasására), jön kedvenc bajuszos belgánk (Poirot) és még egy Holmes-kaland. Ennyi a mai programom. Meg nagyjából minden vasárnapomé. Változatos vagyok, nem?
I’ve optimized most of the pages (except those of the hostees and Digimon Backup) for search engines and such (silktide rating, google, and other engines). I’ve added a search box to the main page and also updated the hostee list.
I don’t mean the short of the roman phrase “anno domini” but the name of my to-be-reborn anime site, Anime Dragon. I’ve already made up the first layout – at least in mind. This is the first one i first drew on paper before making it on computer.
The main graphic characteristic of the layout will be a chinese style dragon, like Haku in Spirited away, though not neccessarily he. It can be the great dragon from Dragon Ball, or maybe one i create… depends on whether or not i can find high quality, usable screenshots.
I don’t wanna tell anything more, you’ll see it when it’s done!
Works well
The comments system is up and running, all changes made successfully. From now on, everyone can comment without registration, though if you don’t want to get impersonated, you may favour registering – it’s not complicated but guards you somewhat.
If you get any errors, please report them so i can correct all little bugs.
The only thing still remaining is the spam filter, which will take a while – not because it’s hard to make, but because i have to collect all possible spam words, without closing out legitimate comments. I also added an instant comment remover, so if anyone does anything that i don’t like, i can delete the comment in one click.
Not as if i finished anything (save the comments system, which is working fine – for me), on the contrary, i have done hardly anything except planning (yeah, still only planning) the system DB should work, and wrote some of the XSLT sheets to format the data (you’ll get a lot of that).
Finish is referring to finishing this day. Yeah, i’m already (once again) fed up with sitting here hours long not completing a single function. The hard is that i’ve to find a good point to start from, or this way i’ll have to develop all parts simultaneously.
Also, i want to note a little fact i’ve stumbled upon when browsing MuggleNet: the fifth Harry Potter book, Order of the Phoenix was released exactly three years and a day ago. How nostalgic. Surprising time runs so fast, since i can clearly remember reading my sister’s english version of the book in my room daylong months before the hungarian one was even released. It was so fun =). Just as back last summer, when i was doing the same with the sixth book (i got my own copy when i was on holiday).
By the way, here comes another pic i found on the net long-long ago, no idea where.
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