I first saw Redis sorted sets in action reading Mastodon’s source code. Sorted sets are used to store feeds (ignore that ZREVRANGEBYSCORE is deprecated). In a use-case such as Mastodon feeds (timelines), sorted sets come handy because you can “just” add new elements and Redis will take care of the sorting.
What’s an ideal database?
I’ve been reading about and considering language design choices (for my new pet project), and one thing I really like (though I rarely actually use in action) is Clojure’s transducers. I couldn’t find it in the talk introducing them, but I vaguely recall someone vaguely recalling that Rich Hickey said Clojure’d have much less laziness if he’d found the idea of transducers sooner.
Then in a completely different thought process (maybe there could be transducers, process transformations for thought processes as well?) about databases. I was considering databases I used so far, things I tried to achieve with them, the difficulties and nice things.
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