Tag: geek

Cenzúrázzuk a netet!

A kínai Arany Pajzs projekt hivatalos célja, hogy a kínai népet megvédje az internet és az imperialista média káros hatásaitól. Gyakorlatilag ez cenzúrát jelent. Pedig milyen szépen is hangzik! Megvédeni a gyerekeket, hogy véletlenül se találjanak lovaspornót a neten, elkapni a neten szervezkedő terroristákat, még mielőtt tényleg bajt tudnának okozni…

Nemrég olvastam a Little Brothert, úgyhogy egy kicsit megijesztett, amikor Szalai főpapnő bejelenti, hogy korlátozni akarják az internetet. Óvatosan fogalmazva azt válaszolnám erre, hogy korlátozd anyádat, de ennél talán sikerül kulturáltabbat is kihoznom magamból.

Azt mondja, hogy “az internetet mindenhol szabályozzák”? Lehet. De nem arról van szó, hogy az internetszolgáltatókkal letiltatják a Kurucz.infót, mert az csúnyát mondott Viktor atyánkra, hanem a generált forgalom szerint próbálják megakadályozni a ddos és hasonló támadásokat. Elvileg. Bár a Little Brother óta a “nyugati példát” se feltétlen érzem halálbiztosnak…

Virtual tunnel

Is there any program out there that can virtualize a whole hard drive partition? I want to use one of my (real) partitions in a VirtualBox virtual machine in real time, not just the virtual drive for the system. I’d imagine the whole process like this app i look for would act as a tunnel, appear as a virtual drive image that VB can use, act as a link and just forward all VB requests to the physical drive and the responses back. Is there such a thing out there?


Ha kora délután megyek futni, az csak egy dolog, hogy iszonyatos a hőség. De valamiért futás közben a hasamban valami görcsbe áll, tehát a tíz körből (négy km ugye) ötöt kábé nulla tempóban alig pihegve kocogok, mert alig kapok levegőt. Furcsállottam ezt azért, mert ugyan mindig kondi után megyek futni, de annyi felüléstől annyira nem kéne haldokolnom (legalábbis pár éve esténként tízszer ennyit is volt hogy csináltam). Aztán ma valahogy nem volt hangulatom kimenni a negyven fokba délután, úgyhogy csak miután visszaértünk a partról (mert megint mentünk a tóhoz hűsölni) mentem egészségesen élni. És nocsak, este kilenckor, sötétben is cseppet mérsékeltebb hőségben, nem sajog a hasam és teljesen jó ritmusban tudok futni (nem kocogni). Magyarázatot követelek.

A másik, hogy meglett a megoldás az Ubuntu ablakkezelőjének furcsa viselkedésére (nemes egyszerűséggel nem indult el), bár azt nem igazán értem, hogy miért gyógyult meg ettől. Ugyan az egész home mappámat egy az egyben másoltam át a laptopról, a telepített programok is teljesen ugyanazok, tehát nem értem, miért zavarta ez meg ennyire. Arról nem is beszélve, hogy a laptopon is előjött ugyanez a probléma, tehát még abban se vagyok biztos, hogy egyáltalán köze van-e hozzá a másolásnak. A lényeg, hogy már megy.


Last weekend i finally managed to build my new computer. It’s really nice. My goal was to build one that will be able to run StarCraft 2 without problems, and even after years it won’t get all that slow. I think i managed.

  • AMD Phenom II X4: quadcore beauty, for teh power
  • 4GB Corsair DDR3 memory
  • Gigabyte 880G motherboard: micro ATX, because that’s what i planned, even if it turned out different
  • Saphire Radeon HD5670: not the strongest, but just what i need
  • Western Digital CaviarBlue 1TB HDD: don’t really need that much space, but it was sooo cheap…
  • LG Flatron 21.5″: for widescreen entertainment—it’s huge and bright
  • plus a Logicool wireless mouse+keyboard, Sanwa woodbox speakers, Zalman CPU cooler, GMC case

I installed Windows 7 and Ubuntu Lucid Lynx, just as it was on the laptop. With Wendy‘s help i already migrated all my documents, music and video, just some programming stuff and the server root is left. And yeah, StarCraft 2 runs without much problem.

The Thing, part 2

Since today all parts i ordered but the memory modules arrived, i decided to try to put it all together. It was not fun. First, it was damn hard to put the cooler on the cpu, but after a long time of trying and many cuts on my hand, i managed. Then i wanted to install the video card, and lucky i did. It turned out the case i got is a bit too “slim”, meaning just the card is taller than how wide the case is. Troublesome. Whatever, i’ll return it and get another tomorrow, since i’m going Osaka anyway.

What i could get to work was the screen. It’s huge. And it’s very bright (a bit too bright compared to my laptop so i’m still trying to figure out how to decrease brightness – edit since then i found the control buttons hidden on the screen so now my eyes are not burning out). And did i say it’s huge?

Also, i’m right now typing on the new keyboard and using the new mouse. The keyboard will need a bit of tweaking, because it’s japanese layout so even if i hack a hungarian layout on it there’ll be missing keys. There are a few unassigned keys anyway so i’ll figure somehow.

And tomorrow, yeah tomorrow i think i’ll get it all together.


Először megérkezett a videókártya, majd este befutott a billentyűzet és a monitor is, nem sokkal később (bár már így is este tíz körül) pedig a cuccok java (alaplap, proci, vinyó, dvd-író, hangfal stb) is. Így már csak a gépház és a memória maradt. A gépházat már ma hozták egyszer, amíg kondiban és futni voltam, de direkt kiírtam hogy délután háromig nem vagyok itt, úgyhogy remélem akkor megpróbálják újra. A memória viszont az Amazon csomagkövetője szerint még mindig Tokió mellett lebzsel egy raktárban, úgyhogy tartok tőle, hogy ma már nem jön meg – pedig jó lenne, ha ma már össze tudnám rakni. Mondjuk ha a gépház itt lesz, akkor a javát már meg tudom csinálni. Muszáj, mert a sok doboztól még a szokásosnál is kevésbé lehet mozdulni a szobámban.

Ha viszont csak holnap ér ide, az gázos, mert tervben van, hogy megyek Kóbébe, úgyhogy vagy ma hozzák, vagy holnap reggel, vagy nem, nagyjából. Szombaton Oszakában leszek a Summer Sonicon Dream Theatert, Coheed and Cambriát, the pillowst és hasonló finomságokat hallgatva egész nap. Vasárnap meg klubos ivászat egy tóparti kocsmában – erre kíváncsi leszek azért, mert délután fél háromra rendeltek oda minket a felsőbbévesek.

Apple quality

Let me say this first: i’m not an Apple fanboy (though i do enjoy occasionally eating one, i especially like the light sourness of green apple) and i have an iPod because that was the best choice among mp3 players, but no other Apple products. Nor have i used any computers of their brand, not more than a few clicks.

I was just wondering what’s the big deal about the grand Apple quality. I somehow can’t see it. I bought my laptop used, and it was already old then, and yet i have absolutely no hardware problems, no visible dead pixels on the screen, no motherboard failures, nothing. It works, though it’s a five year old model now, so it’s slow like hell.

Community software my ass.

One of the “great advantages” of linux is its supposed community support and that it’s developed by the users and anyone can take part and… Okay, stop there. You can take part in development if you are a crazy programmer and are able to find all the newsgroups and mailing lists and bug report places where some of the actual development is going on. Community support is probably there, just i don’t seem to be able to find it.

I don’t know if linux development is still separated from the web and takes place in other parts of the internet, but whatever the case, usual searches, however i try to refine my queries, don’t really bring the results i look for. And if finally i get bored with googling for hours just to find something that seems at least related to the problem i’m having, but yet provides no help, and i go to ubuntuforums.com and post my supposedly idiotic etc questions, no one gives a fuck to respond. Community support is a really nice concept, but if the whole community is only asking questions and no answers, it’s no point. Also, on that very forum website, apparently necroposting (posting in old topics) is not possible. So even if i found a workaround around a problem googling for which led me to that topic, i can’t post any helpful response there. How clever. On anime fan forums where they are boasting with pride about the number of topics and stuff, banning necroposting is acceptable even if i don’t agree with it. But seriously, on a support forum?

Also it’s funny that i’m every now and then facing problems that looking at forum posts were problems five years ago as well. Here you go, fantastic development of linux! Not able to fix reported bugs in five years? And while it’s really nice if the system natively recognizes the media control buttons of my laptop and i can control my mail led just by echoing 1 into /sys/class/leds/asus ::mail/brightness, not being able to use my wireless, my infrared and my webcam’s permanently flipped upside down, and i have no way to fix it, now that ruins the picture.

I need help

My scholarship arrived yesterday, so now i started planning. I want to build myself a desktop computer, that won’t get terribly old until i graduate, and will be able to run StarCraft 2 on max quality. Also, it would be nice if most of its parts (especially wireless, infrared and audio) would be fully usable with linux. I have a total budget of about 1000 usd for the purpose (with everything included). What i want is a powerful machine in a case as small as possible, and a over-20″ monitor. Of course as high-end as possible out of that money.


I’m a bit fed up with mp3 tagging already. Seriously, i’m spending more time tagging my music collection than actually listening to it (obviously not true, since i’m listening while tagging as well), and it’s annoying. When i was using foobar on Windows, i had the impression that all my files were correctly tagged, i could mass-rename them to my scheme, it was all fine and working.

Then came childhood’s end, and i started facing problems. Many problems. First, apparently there’s no standard way to store replay gain information, or just all players ignore it and use their own way, because although my whole library had the replay gain calculated, the difference in volume is striking when playing on ipod. Also, ipod apparently requires some specific format to store the cover image in the files, so i have to add those manually too–after my first few searches for some automated method gave no results, i was just too lazy to look for it anymore.

But this was not all. Rhythmbox apparently can’t handle tags normally, favouring id3v1 tags even when id3v2 is present, and what’s worse, it writes its “unknown artist” tags into the files, so it’s not even simple to fix.

So now i just got fed up with the recently oft problem when the song title is longer than the allowed max for id3v1, and i decided to strip id3v1 once and for all. Unluckily, many files were left with “unknown”, but that’s still easier to find and fix than erroneous tags under correct tags, not even displayed most of the time.