Latiatuc feleym zumtuchel mic vogmuc. yſa pur eſ chomuv uogmuc. Menyi miloſtben terumteve eleve miv iſemucut adamut. eſ odutta vola neki paradiſumut hazoa. Eſ mend paradiſumben uolov gimilcictul munda neki elnie. Heon tilutoa wt ig fa gimilce tvl. Ge mundoa neki meret nu eneyc. yſa ki nopun emdul oz gimilſtwl. halalnec halalaal holz. Hadlaua choltat terumteve iſtentul. ge feledeve. Engede urdung intetvinec. eſ evec oz tiluvt gimilſtwl. es oz gimilſben halalut evec. Eſ oz gimilſnek vvl keſeruv uola vize. hug turchucat mige zocoztia vola. Num heon muga nec. ge mend w foianec halalut evec. Horogu vec iſten. eſ veteve wt ez munkaſ vilagbele. eſ levn halalnec eſ poculnec feze. eſ mend w nemenec. Kic ozvc. miv vogmuc.
Sermo ſup ſepulchrum
Sermo ſup ſepulchrum
Today there was an interesting “class” i’ve forgot the name of… We watched an american propaganda “movie” against japanese from the second world war. It was first funny. I mean, it was so visibly full of the worst type of demagogy that i couldn’t help laughing a couple of times. But it was scary as well. Because it could be funny for me right now, but seventy years ago, when there was about no way to get informed except for the media the governments then (and possibly somewhat now as well) controlled, you could easily take even the such stupidity as truth, after the “Japs” bombed Pearl Harbor, the “Japs” you don’t know anything about except that they look different, speak different and write different—after all this, it’s not that difficult to believe that they might as well think different, that they’re just wild people still practising ancient ceremonies, dressing and acting as if they lived in the middle ages and consider nothing else an honor but to die for the God Emperor. And when i thought about it more: even nowadays we have this same thing. Providing people information your way to build prejudice and hate in them–very hard to protect yourself against, especially if unexpected. And the so-called everyday citizen, whose life more or less consists only of waking up, going to work and going to sleep, without any real interest for anything, believing almost whatever the media claims, would still believe such stuff without doubt. And that’s scary.
A tiny bit
Almost exactly (let alone a bit less than three hours) 87 (eighty-seven) years have passed since Hungary signed the Treaty of Trianon, one of the many treaties signed after the end of the first world war in 1920. The “allied and associated powers” took away approx. 232495 square kilometres of area and with this act, separated 12364257 people from Hungary.
Søren Aabye Kierkegaard, the first ever existentialist philosopher died this day (november 11) in 1855. He thought that the truths of the unique person are more important than the general truths. In his philosophy general truths are not interesting at all… They are of no real importance. Just imagine that if you are hit by a poisonous arrow, the material of the arrow, or the angle you were shot from are of little importance compared to that you want the arrow removed and your wound treated as soon as possible.
It doesn’t matter what exactly a human being is – only that matters he exists at all. And a human being can only experience the full experience of existance (=)) by acting, and especially by making decisions, not by sitting behind a desk staring into the air.
It doesn’t matter at all, what we think or believe. The really important truths are personal.
Ma van a csernobili katasztrófa 20. évfordulója. Erről nem sokat lehet írni, mindenki érezze át magának, hogy hány ember halt és betegedett meg akkor egy “aprócska hiba” miatt. Ezzel a poszttal is állítsunk emléket minden szenvedőnek.
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