Tag: zene

Wish of the night

On a forum i just accidentally stumbled upon a post, in which the author claimed that he was watching the Nightwish video titled Amaranth. Well, this was quite strange for me, as i was pretty much sure that i don’t know and never heard of such a song, even though i have all their works. So i checked out the official site and realised that they’ve found a replacement for Tarja – no, i should rather say, a new singer, because Anette has just such an identical and beautiful voice as Tarja did. Surely there will be – and possible already there are – fans, who won’t like her, but personally i do. Watched the Amaranth video already, but i can’t stop with it. I should, because there are two other songs of the new album, Dark Passion Play available in samples on the official site, and i don’t want to miss those either. But this Amaranth one is simply great. I think there’s already one thing that i’ll surely buy: this new Nightwish album will worth it. Too bad they are not coming touring here in Hungary… I’ve seen the video on the Metal Hall eZine. Check it out. I’m doing so with the other two songs, and those are very good too.


Na. Az elmúlt két napban kis országunk nagy fővárosában voltam és buliztam. Jól. Kedden dél után nem sokkal indultam itthonról, pásztón aztán csatlakozott hozzám bulitársam, egy csinos és nagyon jó fej japán csaj társaságában, akit egy nagyon segítőkész úr “karmai közül mentett ki”. Na, hát ezzel ugye megvolt pestig a vonaton a program, de sajnos a keletiben búcsúzni kellett. Miután felszáradtak dús záporként hulló könnyeink (és elég gyorsan száradtak abban a dög melegben), felpattantunk egy buszra, majd egy villamosra, és rövidke (fél óra fölötti) utazás után megérkeztünk a koleszba, ahol a “koszt és kvártély”-ból a kvártélyt megkaptuk. Hamar, hamar irány a Sziget!


Az emberek többsége valamiért viszolyog a hosszabb, szóval a tíz percnél hosszabb zenéktől. Mint gondolom ez kezd lassan kiderülni, én nem tartozom ezek közé: egy hete csak olyan számokat hallgatok, amik megütik a “bűvös” tíz perces határt. Ugyanis azok a dalok, amik ilyen hosszúak, azok ezzel együtt úgy is vannak megírva, hogy abban a tíz percben lehetőleg ne aludjál el. Persze ez alól is vannak kivételek, de szerencsére azok kisebbségbe szorulnak (legfeljebb ha három ilyen van most a lejátszási listámban). Ha lenne már podkeszt, akkor biz’ Isten küldenék nektek egy ilyet, de mivel még mindig nem csináltam meg, úgyhogy nem. C’est la vie.


Tegnap (és már nyilván ma) voltam Pásztón egy ingyenes rockfeszten. Kifejezetten jó buli volt. Tényleg, nagyon jól eltaláltuk a hangulatot, a tudatállapotot és úgy egyáltalán az egészet. Ha minden igaz, sleeplessness is ott volt, csak nem találkoztunk. Vagy legalábbis nem tudok róla. Szóval… természetesen a vonzó név az egész buli kapcsán a Road volt. Igencsak jó koncertet adtak nekünk, bár a hangosítás olyan furcsán volt megoldva, hogy a második sorban, középen nem lehetett hallani az éneket. Egyáltalán. Ettől függetlenül jó volt, szóval képzelhetitek így a hangulatot. A mi részünkről pár üveg ilyen-olyan vörösbor biztosította, hogy a szünetekben se punnyadjon le az élet. Na jó… erről az estéről nem tudok összefüggő értelmes szöveget alkotni – egyszerűen túl jó volt ahhoz.


I’m refreshing, or rather rebuilding the music collection on my MuVo. This time i’m putting on the longest songs and tracks i have on my laptop. Funny is that half of the songs longer than ten minutes are by Dream Theater. I had to sort it so that i could have some diversity. Or, as Entwine has an album titled that: diEversity.


I’d go out on the Sziget fest for the sake of three bands, but naturally all three are on different days. Just my luck. By the way, the bands would be Within Temptation (wednesday), Soulfly (thursday) and Hammerfall (next tuesday). One day ticket is quite much expensive, i could hardly afford going on all three. What should i do?


Egy kicsit bekattant ez a két szám mostanában… A barátaimmal a balatonon együtt töltött hét eredményei.


Natürlich, in Deutschland kann man nur zu Rammstein zuhören.


Hi all,

sorry for not writing yesterday, but i was dead tired (no surprise not sleeping for over two days and waking early on the before two…) and slept a lot and didn’t come online much enough to post here.

Why was i so tired? For the simple reason i was at the second largest rock festival, WAN2 from friday to sunday. I parted from home at friday dawn and arrived at Mezőtúr, where the fest took place, around noon. The concerts began around 4PM. I don’t think i should write in-depth experience stories about all of them, so i’ll only write about the biggest and best ones of friday. I’ll leave the saturday ones to the following hungarian post =).

From half past eight i was at the gig of Macskanadrág, a (skate-)punk band from my hometown. They made a really good party, though it may not have been as good as the one they did here in the local pub. They played for about an hour, and presented us the really best tracks they ever wrote. I won’t write titles, just believe me =).

When MNG finished, i went over to the Tankcsapda concert that started a few minutes earlier. I immediately pushed myself into the middle of the audience (in need for a better word), and stayed there till the end of the next gig. TCS played really good songs, and since they are really popular, everyone sang with them – myself included. After they finished, i went to get some fuel and while still singing the last songs for myself, i found myself once again in front of the stage.

Apocalyptica was the next one, so it’s no surprise i was there =). It took a while until they built their own scene on the stage and tuned the cellos, so when they begun, everyone was already prepared. I was really surprised that they only played instrumental tracks, but then i was enlightened by a fellow rocker that they only hire vocalists for their albums, but don’t bring them for their tour. So this was a really cool concert, when only we sang. They performed really well though, played all my favourite songs and even covered some songs by other bands.

And then they finished, and silence fell…

Songs and the Clan

Lately i’ve come to know some new songs, those are not so new at all (except of the exceptions), such as In the presence of enemies, part 2 by Dream Theater. Even though it’s roughly 15 minutes long (16:38, exactly) i listen to it many many times. Imagine, only playing it four times is more than an hour. The other one that says something to not-Hungarian people is Run away by Stratovarius, about which i’ve written before. It’s scary an addictive song, i must say. I know only a few like it…

That would be the first part of the title. The second part is about the new album of Korpiklaani, my finnish favourites, who play simply great folk metal. Their new album is titled Tervaskanto. I’ll try to get my hands on a legal copy, until then, i listen to the short samples of online shops on the net (at least this is the official statement). When i’ll know it good enough, i’ll be sure to write a good summary and review of it.