I was just thinking how should DB work… I ended at the following scheme:

  • add data to MySQL database in XML format, after correcting, validating and everything
  • get data using PHP. Generate dynamic XSLT file according to the type of the page (character bio, movie or episode review, etc) with PHP, and use that to convert the XML data from the database to XHTML. This is definitely the hardest part.
  • display the final thing.

The news system will be based on my previous works, very basic, just the most neccessary things included. I’ll write a topsite code, a link exchange and a network system, a gallery, a forum, so all the coding and scripts of the site will be self-made, no outsider codes will be used.

The layout is naturally all valid CSS2+XHTML1.1, just as all my recent works. I think it already looks nice, but i’ll surely refine it in the future, before releasing it finally (what should happen very soon, because the old host is making my files there disappear). I’ll write some new pages, and rewrite most of the old ones, what will be a nice big work in addition to the coding.

I don’t plan to work anymore today, rather plan everything on paper, so it won’t take so much time tomorrow. I did that with the AN Community Site (a project that i’ll revive now the summer break is in), but then it didn’t work well… =) now, with the experiences from back then, i hope it’ll be more successful timesaver.

I love working on sites like these… i must be crazy =)