Month: May 2007


Don’t worry, this one won’t be in japanese. I decided to write only limited amount of japanese and german posts, for two reasons: one, i’m not good enough in these languages to write full-blown, long posts, and two, i hate to use those online translator applications, which i have to use if i want to write more than i can.

Anyway. If anyone remembers what i wrote about my plans on how to spend an eve, then i can provide “good” news: everything seems to be tending towards that outcome, though nothing is sure yet.

Also, as it’s usual nowadays, i spent my almost whole afternoon in the library with my fellow japanese-loving friends (the remaining part i spent with my best friends hanging out here and there), so, as it’s usual nowadays, i arrived home around half past six, and as it’s usual nowadays, i sat down here to write something interesting. It’s failing, i already see.

I decided not to work a single bit today, rather only watch anime and listen to music. If i feel like, i will also read… most probably the you-know-what or the Bible. I want to read the latter in whole once. The anime in my plans include the latest episodes of Bleach (last) and Naruto (first), and Samurai Champloo (between). The word in braces mean the order i’ll watch them in.

Oh, and wait for tomorrow. Great news shall arise. Also, today one more post will be done, according to my plans…


A változatosság kedvéért ma is nagyon jó napom volt. A bejegyzés címe arra utal, hogy most, kb fél perc alatt, megcsináltam a kommentekre való válaszolás lehetőségét, tehát mostmár működik a kommentek fejlécében lévő “Reply” link. Ennyi is volt mostanában az összes fejlesztés, még csiszoltam ráadásképpen a formázáson is egy kicsit, de nem sokat. A mosolyok (gyk smiley-k) támogatása is hamarosan érkezik, a regisztrációval és (tudom, tudom) a podcasttel egyetemben. Ó bárcsak, ó bárcsak (sóhajt a fakopáncs, a kéreg a fán lenne puhább – de nem, ez most nem a Stanley, a szerencse fia, ez Vale blogja) hosszabbak lennének a napok vagy legalább én megtanulnám normálisan beosztani az időmet…





Before anyone ask, i don’t want to write about Stravinsky, i simply found it a bit annoying, that one of my contacts signed on with the name Igor Fjodorovič Stravinski (sic). No, the problem is not that he borrowed the name of that genius russian composer, the problem is, that this way i don’t have the slightest idea who he was. I mean, that contact, not Stravinsky. I indeed have a bit more contacts than i should have, simply because in “ancient times”, once or twice, i was invited into huge “convo” chats, which means there was a lot of people, and i added too many of them. Haven’t talked to the most ever since. Anyway, luckily Trillian allows me to rename my contacts, so as soon as i figure out who that Stravinski was, i’ll give him a name that i recognise.

Anyway, i haven’t worked on the blog today, even though i should’ve. I instead worked on a kinda more important project, that i should’ve finished for half a year now – and to be honest, now i really think i’m close to opening it.

Gosh. I just realised i still have loads to learn… For example, the whole history of ancient greek literature. Fun. I think i won’t sleep much this night…

Eső (megint)

Még mindig. Úgy örülök neki… Este hét van, jó sötét, az ég lázas zöldessárga, dörög, villámlik, fúj a szél és esik. Lehet, hogy én vagyok valami káoszszerető figura (merthogy ez a díszlet igencsak zavarodott, szürreális látványt nyújt), de ez nagyon tetszik, legyen még ilyen. Arról nem is beszélve, amit anno kettővel ezelőtt németül írtam. És új avatarom van.



Es regnet

Endlich, der Regen, auf den ich ganzen Tag wartete, kommt jetzt an. Das Wetter war sehr schwül, aber jetzt es ist shon besser, und ich hoffe dass es will sehr lang dauern.


Was ich möchte jetzt tun: eine Flasche kaltes Bier erhalten und auf dem Balkon sitzen den Himmel sich verdunkeln und die Sterne erscheinen zu schauen.

Regélek valamit

A mai napom is elég jó lett, legalábbis eleddig úgy érzem. Reggel elrohantam suliba, végültem öt órát, végigfutottam az egy tesimet, aztán hazajöttem, közben csináltam ezt-azt, aztán néztem egy adag animét, aztán… aztán most itt vagyok. Ez egy hosszú és unalmas leírása lesz az elmúlt egy napomnak, úgyhogy akit nem érdekel, az (most mondhatnám, amúgy tirpák módra, hogy az meg**szhatja, de e helyett inkább) ne olvassa tovább a bejegyzést…


Today, before doing my homework (which comes after writing this post), i watched the first and second OVA of Hellsing. It was dead good (both of them) – they continue the manga storyline, which the anime left un-ended (almost un-dead). I would indeed write a long summary about both of them, but… well, then, should i do it? Don’t forget: i’m not careful with spoilers now, so you should be, if you still haven’t seen these OVA. If you’re not interested in my babbling, i’ll cut it short just for you: both are must-watch category, high quality anime products. I can’t wait to see the third subbed.

One important difference compared to the TV series is that the OVAs feature some kind of humour, that’s – to suit the horror scenery – often morbid, but still very amusing. One such gag is when Jan Valentine, while shooting down his enemy in a corridor “crossroads”, shouts the (said to be) well-known “Konami Code”, which is a cheat code in Konami games that gives the player everything needed to win the game. After that, just to top it all, he also states “I’m cheating and I’m invincible” – naturally by the end of the episode, one of these statements prove false (one can guess, which).

Also, there is a couple of literature and moving picture culture references: for example, in the very beginning of the second OVA, Alucard dreams (!) about a man “killing him” – in a very similar fashion like Dr Van Helsing and his companions killed Dracula in Bram Stoker’s novel; to be exact, in the very same fashion. Also, according to the manga (which i sadly have not read), he is indeed Vlad Ţepeş, also known Count Dracula. In the end of the second OVA, when reporting information regarding Millenium to Integra, Walter mentions Han Solo and his superb ship Millenium Falcon briefly. There are also more, but i forgot them…