Month: August 2007


Today i’ve watched the last episodes of Shakugan no Shana. Won’t write about it for now though, you’ll see why when my prescious little secret project will pop out. OK, it’s nothing like a big thing, but i like it. Although it’s not even original. Short about Shana: liked it. Laughed at it a lot, but don’t think it was only something crazy funny thing like… well, like some crazy funny thing, it was rather cute instead. Also, there were loads of cool fights and such, well designed characters and everything. Ooops. I still managed to write about it… Jeez.

I also fixed a minor bug in the blog that appeared only when you clicked on a respect link for the first time in a session. Don’t need to check it out now, i say it’s fixed.

I also have loads of work to get done. A whole AJAX-based multi-language shop with a PayPal check-out on the end, with user management, cart and all stuff. And i don’t have much time for it… At least i’ve already done the plans, so now it’ll be much quicker than planlessly. I don’t think it’d take much long…

Only problem is that tomorrow i’ll have my first-aid exam for the driving licence. Not the stuff is the problem that i’ve to learn, but that i don’t know what i should learn. Is it only that the lecturer said and showed at the lessons? Or even more? Gosh. I should ask someone who already did it.


Tegnap (és már nyilván ma) voltam Pásztón egy ingyenes rockfeszten. Kifejezetten jó buli volt. Tényleg, nagyon jól eltaláltuk a hangulatot, a tudatállapotot és úgy egyáltalán az egészet. Ha minden igaz, sleeplessness is ott volt, csak nem találkoztunk. Vagy legalábbis nem tudok róla. Szóval… természetesen a vonzó név az egész buli kapcsán a Road volt. Igencsak jó koncertet adtak nekünk, bár a hangosítás olyan furcsán volt megoldva, hogy a második sorban, középen nem lehetett hallani az éneket. Egyáltalán. Ettől függetlenül jó volt, szóval képzelhetitek így a hangulatot. A mi részünkről pár üveg ilyen-olyan vörösbor biztosította, hogy a szünetekben se punnyadjon le az élet. Na jó… erről az estéről nem tudok összefüggő értelmes szöveget alkotni – egyszerűen túl jó volt ahhoz.


Amúgy milyen szemétség már, hogy egész augusztusban zárva tart az uszoda? Kénytelen leszek arra a – néhány éve még – minősíthetetlen strandra járni úszni, mert azt meg azért kell. Meg muszáj leszek itthon hajat mosni. Ugye, milyen eget rengető problémák? Pedig az ilyenek is megváltoztathatják a világot… Ott van ugye a hegeli alaptörvény: a mennyiségi változások előbb-utóbb minőségi változásba csapnak át.

Burnt out

I wanted to write a blogpost, ‘coz why not, but simply i have no inspiration… that’s strange. Well, this proves that watching more than one episodes of the same anime at once sucks everything out of me. Either good or bad, creative or destructive, it’s out. I get tired, and the only thing that somewhat does me pleasure is chatting with others and reading. Oh, did i mention reading? Well, that Orwell piece i’m reading now, Coming up for air is really a masterpiece. Having read 1984, i see some thoughts appear in this book that are the main motifs of the popular little brother. For some reason, i tend to think of that book as male. But there are also some that are definitely feminine, though i could not mention one now. There must be, and that’s it. The good question is, what decides the gender of a book? I think that not even such “dry” books like encyclopediae or scientific writings are genderless, neutral things. Anyway, that Coming up for air is really shocking. Even now, that i’m well into it, and closer to the end than the beginning, i still couldn’t find any story in it, but it’s not even missing. I only realise its absence when someone asks me the typical “what’s it about?” question… And i could only tell them that about a fat, red-faced, middle-aged man. That’s about all.

DVD hálózat

Szerintetek érdemes megpróbálni egy hálózati meghajtóról 8 gigás dvd-t égetni?


闇に惑いし哀れな影よ・・・人を傷つけ貶めて、罪に溺れし業の魂 ・・・いっぺん、死んで見る?



Today i worked not a single bit, and that’s sad. But at least i got a reply from my american exchange partner. So i think i’ll be writing a nice long mail this evening. Well, after having dinner and doing my gym session and spending a nice long cooldown time under the shower (joke – i never use more water than neccessary; after all, i’m a Greenpeace activist or whatever). What did i do then instead of my job? Good question, but i have the answer ready, the truth: i’ve been chatting with friends on msnmsgr, watched four episodes of Shakugan no Shana, which i find simply great, though far not as addictive as some others, and played chess and checkers with my little brother. It was fun, i won all chess plays and lost all checkers – my only excuse from this is that this was my first time i played checkers. I had some good situations, but i did some foolish beginner’s mistake in every each of them so that i lost. But it was an experience, and i hope that after a few more plays i may be able to win. Oh, the title means something along the “lines” of “damnit”, referring to that i haven’t worked even though i intended to.


Nahát… ideje már magyarul is írnom, nehogy valaki még azt feltételezze, hogy most már csak angol bejegyzések fognak érkezni. Szóval, egy cseppet fáradt vagyok, és már megint nem dolgoztam semmit (még). Ez utóbbin persze még változtatni fogok, de az előbbin már csak majd este. A fáradtság oka pedig, hogy bringázni voltam, és ez egy cseppet kimerített, mivel Salgóra tekertem ki, az meg igencsak kiadós hegymenet odafelé (ebből következik, hogy visszafelé harmicas átlagú pihenés)… azóta WarCraftoztam egyet a zöcsémmel, benyomtam két nagy szelet mexikói pizzát, és most blogolok. Aztán majd meglássuk, valószínűleg (biztosan) melózni fogok. Jó lesz.

Always look on the bright side of life

In one of my favourite movies, Monty Python’s Life of Brian, the ending scene has a really good song. But later about that. How i arrived here? I simply can’t get it how can people feel low when it’s summer and everyone should be happy and cheerful, going out partying with friends, or working till you suffocate in your sweat, but still, smiling… Or am i only crazy? Can be, since i know quite well that there are times when i also feel down, but i try to avoid them (i think this is natural), and at least force myself to cheer up. Yeah, word by word. The best method for that is watching anime. At least for me. Even if it’s something deep and gloomy like Haibane Renmei, still it can kind of erase my own gloomy thoughts. And also, if the Pythons say something, it must be so. And thus: “Always look on the bright side of life!” – even though “Life’s a piece of shit, if you look at it…” – but be happy. Don’t know the movie? No matter.


I’m refreshing, or rather rebuilding the music collection on my MuVo. This time i’m putting on the longest songs and tracks i have on my laptop. Funny is that half of the songs longer than ten minutes are by Dream Theater. I had to sort it so that i could have some diversity. Or, as Entwine has an album titled that: diEversity.