Most úgy rámtört, hogy kakaós csigát kéne enni (persze nem ilyen francia-módi, csiga csigából készült édességet, hiszen én nem ehetek húst, mert tegnap megtérített egy krisnás (nem), úgyhogy a lelkemmel játszanék), de persze nincs itthon, így kénytelen vagyok egy egyszerű kiflivel kielégíteni gyomrom vágyait. Régebben minden délután, mikor hazajöttem suliból, várt egy kakaós csiga, de mostanában már nem. Azért holnapra mindenképp szerzek egyet, csak úgy, a nosztalgia kedvéért.
i: Be rational!
π: Get real!
Mighty Wombat
A while ago i just came across the name Cthulhu after a long time. Before now, i heard about it only in the gaming magazine i’m subscribed to, GameStar, in a very-very old issue, where there were some news about the progress of the Call of Cthulhu game. I was interested by the name then, maybe that’s why i didn’t forget it. So, i looked it up in Wikipedia, and found out about H. P. Lovecraft’s works, which really interested me. Then after a while i found a hungarian publisher that sells the complete Lovecraft collection, and i thought about buying it, but then i put that idea on shelf as i didn’t have much money. And then again, not so long ago, while just looking for Poe audio books on mininova, i stumbled upon the Cthulhu phrase again, in the name of a Lovecraft collection audio book torrent. Didn’t take an hour, they were on my MuVo.
Nem ér!
Ez egyszerűen nem fair, hogy ennyi jó buli lesz mostanában! Nem érdekel, el fogom verni a jövő évi tárhelyre szánt pénzemet, mert ez tűrhetetlen! Eddig mindig megbántam, ha nem mentem el egy koncertre, és utálok megbánni dolgokat! Eddig van egy Helloween+Gamma Ray+Axxis koncert tizenhatodikán (számtech emelt szóbeli után, nem egyszerűen meredek nap lesz), amin biztos ott leszek (a jegyek – mivel öcsémmel megyek – már ott figyelnek a polcon, már csak a koleszt kell levajaznom), ezen kívül van egy Apocalyptica jövő szerdán, amire vagy megyek, vagy nem, de nagyon szeretnék, és egy Sonata Arctica huszadikán, amiről most szólt Maerlyn, és amire szintén jó lenne elmenni. Felháborító, most vagy otthagyok vagy 20 ezer forintot ezekre vagy otthagyok, nincs sok választás. Ki jön majd?
Dark Passion Play
The new Nightwish one, i mean. It sounds great, it sounds new with many “hit” songs like Amaranth, which was first released as a music video, but also Master Passion Greed and Whoever Brings the Night. I still have to get used to the new singing style, as Anette’s vocal range is far not as wide as Tarja’s was, she mostly only sings in the higher regions—i wonder how many times she was told this! But it’s positive that this album is pretty fast and doesn’t lack traditional Nightwish tunes while being so new. I had some trouble finding the bonus track, (The) Escapist, but it worths the time, being a great song. In the case of one song, For the Heart I Once Had, as it started i thought i accidentally placed a Sentenced song in the playlist, the guitars are tuned so much their way. Too bad Sentenced is out of the ring now… Back on topic, Nightwish did a good job with this album, i wonder if it’s going to become such a success as Once. They’ll be coming in Hungary next march, i’m thinking about going to that gig…
That nice code in the title was my id for today’s english written exam. As expected, it was easy, i only had trouble with the grammar part (also as expected). Then after arriving home at half past one, i soon departed for school where we had a dancing session until five, then i had fun with my friends in a local pub. On the way to and back Eger, where the exam was held, i listened to H. P. Lovecraft’s one masterpiece, Call of Cthulhu in audio book format i got just yesterday. It was great. I wonder which one of his work i should check next. I wonder if i should start Coelho’s Witch of Portobello, as i don’t really like the voice and style of the person reading it. Who knows.
Yesterday evening we went out to have fun with a friend, it was good for sure, but far not as good as i expected. I’m starting to think a lot-lot more against alcoholic parties, but that may be only because i’m somewhat overhung now. We also watched almost the whole Monty Python and the Holy Grail, but it was a bit too late to start at midnight.
Today i listened to Poe audio books, being too tired and unwell to read, they are also a good practice for tomorrow’s english exam. I’m not a bit afraid of it, just an exam out of many coming. I won’t take it lightly anyway, i have to pay attention even if it will be easy, so i won’t lose any points because of misreading something and such minor mistakes.
Also i listened to samples from the new Apocalyptica and Nightwish album, they sound great. Too bad it seems i won’t be able to go to that Apocalyptica gig next wednesday, since it’s midweek…
Hold a kútban
Tegnap este termése (ismét csak), ezúttal diszkrét Harry Potter, CáPAca és Poe utalásokkal. Lesz ez még így se…
Üzenet a palackban
Ez a kis dolog tegnap este született. Szerepe volt benne többek között a párizs-környéki békéknek, a Machine Head Message in the Bottle című számának és Poe-nak, a Szózatnak és a Battle Royale-nak (Bruce Springsteen részéről).
Been a while since i last did a post like this, but this painting really caught me.

Title: Crow
Creator: *gimei
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