I’m surprised that i couldn’t find another blogpost with this very title… i would’ve thought i’d written at least six of these “Today”‘s… Well, not. Beside having downloaded To-mera’s Transcendental album, i’ve done nothing special. If you’re their lawyer, don’t be afraid, i’ll be buying it too, i just wanted to try it out first. By the way, once again listening to the 10 minute playlist (revisited). Finally managed to solve that url problem (replacing accented characters with their ascii pairs), and was scared to see what was the problem: Dreamweaver simply didn’t save it in the UTF-8 format i presumed. SciTE did the job. Now nothing can stop me in making that new blog engine—which is yet unnamed. We’ve had a family trip out to the mountains, giving me a chance to drive (and rallye) on mountain roads, which is great fun. Also, now after having a licence for about half a year, i did my first overtaking. I enjoy acceleration.
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