In twelve days the new Ubuntu will come out. I can only hope that it’ll support the wireless network card i have (Broadcom 43xx), because else i won’t use it. I have no intentions of playing around it for hours, just to get it working. It’d take hours i guess, because i’d need to download the required packages onto another computer, then put them on my pendrive, add the pendrive as a repo on this computer, and install the files. It’s complicated for me, because i’m a total newbie to linux, and i have no idea on how to do it. I’ve to use another computer because this one connects to the net via that very wireless card that’s not working. I decided now that i’ll give openSUSE a try… i don’t care what, i want to have a working linux on my computer, and since Ubuntu’s not working the way i’d need it. If that doesn’t support my card either, i’ll get angry and wipe all linux out once and for athe coming two weeks.
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