I just watched the Kung Fu Panda movie. I loved it. It was funny (i laughed as much as in the past half year altogether), it was unique, at least i haven’t seen anything like this before, and it had some message too. Although that message was the same as all those popular fighting anime: “believe in yourself”. Among the countless doubts and troubles of the life, this message brings a few moments of peace–it makes you smile how someone, even it’s just a fictional, fat and not really sharp kung fu fighter panda (named Po), someone so… ordinary (in that world) can grasp something close the “meaning of liff life”, the “way of the ninja kung fu”. I’m not good at writing about movies (so much you can see already), and i’m not much into them either. I only know what i’ve seen: this movie is good. It was very entertaining, leaving not even a moment for boredom, and that’s all that matters.