Actually… i have no idea what to do with my life. Don’t come with that culture shock pep talk of being of high value and stuff—i’m not depressed. I didn’t really know what to do from the beginning. I chose information technology to study at home because i liked to code websites and thought it might be fun. It was, but not that much. Then there is what i applied for here: economics, diplomacy, politics. Interesting stuff, with a lot of money in them, a lot of possibilities and not least ways to help my country. But that’s still not my dream. I have two goals: comparative linguistics and typography. At least so i think now. The problem is, i have no former education of either. I was in maths and history advanced class in high school, didn’t have a thorough education in arts or languages, and have already forgotten most of what they tried to teach me. But still. Languages are interesting. I think. Typography is fun to do. I think. From the outside… From the “outside” programming seemed fun as well… It was interesting to see the integral signs in my maths book in high school, but by the time we got there it was just another thing we had to learn, nothing special. I guess the trouble all comes from that i actually have no dream. I just see a few stuff, think it’s interesting and jump in. Later it might not be so fun… (But japanese typography surely has to be improved, it’s just simply terrible.)
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