Today i cut the one week constant coffee overdose, and had none, and plan to keep this up for 11 more days. The reason is that i had three dose coffee every day except for sunday, which is there with only one in the morning, thus i had two extra each day, which is 12 coffee over normal. That is twelve days of coffee gone for “nothing” in one week, so i won’t have coffee for that long so i’ll be at zero. Today was the first, so 11 more to go.

I was surprised i could stay awake at all. Yesterday evening that caused trouble, even though i had the triple dose in me… Apropos yesterday, in the evening i went to the gym, and had fun there for an hour. Results: arms not aching anymore, but in exchange my legs started.

Today i managed to get out of bed a bit late, but i had time to do anything and was from late even less than usually. School was as if it wasn’t at all, the economy movie we had this week was better than expected, math was challenging, the last economy was dead boring, even though two of us made presentations.

Now the plan is to play guitar or do something, just something so i won’t be so tempted to “lay down for a moment”. I have to leave the computer because i’ll be downloading the last Haruhi episode of this season (too bad it’s not available on YouTube now), and with torrent, curse me if you want. I guess direct downloading eats more bandwidth then my tuned and limited torrent.