Today i went shopping. Originally i only wanted to buy myself coffee (Starbucks again, i’m being globalised), bread and maybe cornflakes, but ended up with so much stuff that it took quite an effort to carry them all home. I went to Sengawa, because i found out there’s a Starbucks there, so i checked—will write about my experiences later. Of course got my coffee, and then i went for the food (i saw a Seiyu on the way, there). I stumbled upon a place where they were selling everything under the cheapest price i’ve seen so far, so i got loads of fruit and a few veggies, meat and fish. But the bread was double the Seiyu price, so i went over there too—and ended up with bread, cornflakes, curry. And a heater. It was so cheap (under 1500 yen) that i couldn’t leave it there. It’s just perfect for my feet under the table as i’m sitting at my computer. I’ve also checked a phone shop, the iPhone offers are way more tempting than they ever were, and i’ve also seen a shoe store where they were selling my kind of shoes for 3-4000 yen (Vans, Converse, Adidas, Nike). Will have to go there back once. Somehow Sengawa seemed very lively and young to me, although it’s definitely suburbia just one street behind the station. The prices show that too. But ah, i so understand the old japanese farts stalking high-school girls. They are hot. (Of course, it means that there are plenty hot ones, but it sounds better this way.)
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