I woke up terribly late. Actually, i somehow woke up before my phone went out, about two minutes early—then i just stopped it, and went back to bed, as usual. But usually i have the snooze, and three other alarms set at twenty minute intervals so that i would surely have to wake up. Not today. It was just by miracle that at eight-forty i woke up and i realised something was wrong. Quickly set the cooker to get the rice ready for lunch and rushed to the first class where we “learnt” about collecting resources for our reports and presentations. (Note here, i really have to figure out a topic for economy.)

Then the normal class, where my topics got both approved, at least the teacher couldn’t really say a word when i announced that i want to talk about either my own ontology, or artificial intelligence from neural networks. I know it’s not easy topic, but i don’t care. I’m going to do one of them, and whichever it will be for class, you’ll be sure to read about both here once. I don’t know which would be more interesting for others, i’ll just ask around.

After the lunch break and the wait for my stuff to cook while starving, and watching an episode of the Big Bang Theory as usual, we had the second half of Slumdog Millionaire (with the typical Bollywood ending, it was hilarious) and that movie of Al Gore’s that i already forgot the title of, it didn’t really leave a deep impression.

In the history class, suddenly out of nowhere a long blonde haired young looking guy just showed up with Tani and joined the class. He turned out to be Akagi (Akaki?), this year’s finnish scholarship student. He’s a really nice guy with a crazy level of japanese already. He stayed with us for Huyen’s birthday party (happy birthday to her from here too!), and after that as well. It’s nice to know the people coming after us.

There was also a belated new year’s party organized by Tofsia, which in spite of a terrible smell at first turned out to be quite pleasant. I was mostly (only) doing shodo (書道, calligraphy), but there were like card games and stuff.

Huyen’s birthday party was really nice as well, one of the few parties without any bad feel or thought. It turned out just as every “quiet” type of birthday party should be, where “quiet” means not inviting fifty people to get badly drunk. After that we stayed there chatting and such, in spite of (same structure second time in this post) the freakin’ cold. Then around one i decided that it’s enough for tonight, as this was i could still sleep in “normal” time.