Today i ended up doing practically nothing except for translating the fourth episode of Shiki and watching Stargate Atlantis. And more Stargate Atlantis. Reminds me of the insane streaks i had of SG-1, when i sat down in the morning and watched like two seasons non-stop until late night. I get that feeling again, that oh, just one more, and this is good. For most of the first season, i didn’t feel that… i don’t know if it has something with school starting again, or just the episodes are getting better and better—though of course after watching all ten seasons of SG-1, two of the Stargate movies (don’t feel like watching continuum, somehow these alternate reality stories in Stargate tend to be… lame—except the exceptions) and a season of Atlantis, as of now, i pretty much developed an ability to foretell the story of an episode. From the title, from the first five minutes, from focus of certain characters, after this much often it gets obvious. When it’s yet interesting, that’s when i get glued to the screen for hours. Many hours. Like now.
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