Years ago i bought the Eragon book as a present for my Cousin Itt Senmaiel. I myself didn’t get to read it, but it seemed interesting with dragonriders and stuff. Of course they made a movie out of it, but i fear we’d’ve been better off without it.
It’s obviously targeted at people who are already familiar with the story, so hardly anything’s explained. Also, Eragon is simply annoying. That kid is arrogant and dumb, which is a dangerous combination in itself, but even the actor is annoying. He has an expression on his face most of the time as if something nearby stank hideously, and he’s clinging onto his sword all the time in a very lame knightish manner. And the movie is just boring. I was about to stop watching, when after an hour or so still nothing happened. Maybe my expectations were too much…
On the other hand, Saphira looks cool (just a bit like a huge bird with a human face) and the scottish cynic Dr Rush from SGU makes a debut as the evil shade (it matches him). The final battle is brutal, so is the demon dragon of the shade. Too bad this sums up pretty much anything positive i could say about the movie…
I don’t know if it would’ve been more enjoyable if i read the book, but i’m afraid it’d’ve just been an even bigger disappointment.
Above image from ArtZine Singapore